If you've ever done a survey on myspace I am sure you have been asked the question, "Do you believe in soul mates?"
If you were to ask me this and just wanted a simple yes or no answer I would have to reply yes. However, if you give me the opportunity to explain you might find that I am not the hopeless romantic you might think I am. (Well, I am a hopeless romantic but not when it comes to this.) When it comes to the concept of soul mates in a romantic sense of the phrase I lean more towards a logical view. I don't think there is only one person out there for each and every person on Earth to love. Love is just not that simple. There are varying degrees of love and that makes the idea of a soul mate pretty ridiculous to me. If I truly thought that there was exactly one person on this Earth that I was put here to love and be loved by in return I would probably shoot myself in the head. Because that would be more enjoyable than the agony of trying to find that one person and then doubting/wondering for the rest of my life if he was fact the one. I think that a person meets several people throughout their lives that they could be a good match with. As with anything in life it's all about the decisions you make. Sure fate leads you to the initial meeting with someone but you have to decide where it goes from there. So, throughout your life you meet lots of different people and you have to decide whether or not you want to be with them. Sure, if you love someone, you love someone...and if you don't, you don't. You can't control who you love but you can control who you choose to be with. And I think that if you find a good enough match (and there could be more than one) you can be perfectly happy without all the pressure of making sure you find your soul mate. You just have to find someone compatable that you love, that loves you the way you want and deserve to be loved, and that makes you happy. And that can happen with a lot of different people.
Now, after that long rant you might be wondering why I said yes in the first place. That is because I believe in friend soul mates. I think you can go your whole life and have friends (and even best friends) but never quite find the one that really completes you. This person is someone that makes it seem not as if you were twins separated at birth but in fact that a part of you yourself that was removed at birth. Like they are literally your other half. You meet and it's as if you have known each other your whole lives. You seem to finish each others sentences, think about or do the most random things at the same exact time. Be miles and miles apart but still somehow connected to them. No matter how much time goes by the second you see each other again it's as if you were never apart in the first place. And when you are apart everything just seems off somehow. They are always the first person you want to tell anything to no matter how important or insignificant. Anytime you discover something new or fascinating you just can't wait to tell them. Now, I know that a lot of these things could describe someone that you are romantically in love with. And I am not saying that your friend soul mate and your significant other can't be one and the same. I think that is possible. Extremely rare, but possibe.
Now, don't get me wrong, I love Bryan so incredibly much. Anyone that actually knows me couldn't possibly doubt that. But I don't think that he is my soul mate. My soul mate is actually a girl that we will (and everyone else does) call Kg. I met her in college and she really is my other half. It has never been so easy to around someone. We actually have a lot of things not in common. Our music styles are a little different. Our boyfriends couldn't be more opposite. She's blonde-haired and blue-eyed, I'm brown-eyed and brunette through and through. She desperately wants to live in a big city and I desperately want to live in the mountains. But in the words of Yang on Grey's Anatomy she's "my person". The absolute hardest part about moving to states away from anyone and anything I have ever known is being away from her. Sure, I have made new friends but I will never in my entire life meet another Kg.