Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Bug Got The Better Of Me: Meet Our New "Baby"!!

I just realized that I haven't been keeping everyone up-to-date with puppy situation on here. This needs to be fixed immediately!

So, the blog before last was about how I had been bitten the puppy bug, right? Well, at the time that I wrote that I was pretty much 100% sure that Bryan wasn't going to let me get another dog until we were in a house. (Which is probably going to be at least a year or two from now.)

But, I started to talking to him and he agreed with me that our Lorelei seemed depressed. She was born into a litter of 9 other puppies and was used to having them (and three other dogs) around at her foster home before we adopted her. She could care less about humans for the most part and when she isn't acting like she is on crack because she is bored she just lays around and stares into space. But when she sees another dog she goes apesh*t. She LOVES all other dogs. Even if they hate her and are growling at her and trying to bite her she just wants to be their best friend!

Once he realized that she was depressed he started considering getting another dog but wasn't really sold on the idea. He agreed to let me start looking around and at that point I knew I was good to go. Bryan can be stubborn and a pain in the rear sometimes but he really does spoil me and I knew he wouldn't be able to say no if I found a dog I really had my heart set on.

Through a contact I made at work I came across Timmy.

He was a Beagle mix and had been found living with his brother in drainage ditch and had been there all winter. They thought he was only about 7 months old (he is actually over a year) and he was in HORRIBLE shape when he was rescued. Beagle is one of Bryan's favorite breeds and I thought he was cute so we decided to have him come for a sleepover with Lorelei to see if they got along. Well, he had been acting very calm, and shy and didn't want to come out of his crate. We noticed that he had a cough but his adoption agent said that he was perfectly healthy now so we didn't really think we had anything to worry about. He never loosened up and we never got to see how they got along. In the morning I woke up because he was having an extremely bad coughing fit and he ended up coughing up some bile with a little blood mixed-in. Long story short I rushed him to the emergency animal emergency clinic and they found out he had 3-4 different health issues. He was supposed to be fine but was going to have a long recovery time. We decided to foster him until until he got better because the sanctuary he was staying at had pretty poor living conditions. However, after having him for about a week or so he started to aggressive with Lorelei and snapping at her. So, we had to give him to someone else to foster. He was SO sweet to us and we had a VERY rough time letting him go. (PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE read the note at the end of this post!!!!)

Before we found Timmy I had contacted a woman about a Husky I had found on (Siberian Huskies are BY FAR my absolute favorite breed and I have been dreaming of having one since I was a very little girl. But since Arkansas is so hot they aren't very common here. I refuse to buy a dog from a breeder or pet store for fear that they are really part of an awful puppy mill. Plus, there are SO many wonderful animals living in shelters and elsewhere that are in desperate need of good homes. So, finding a good husky for adoption in this state is really more of a matter of luck than anything else.) She replied and informed me that Bella already had an adoption pending. Well, while dealing with Timmy I heard back from her and she said that Bella's adoption had fallen through and she wanted to know if I was still interested. Bryan and I visited her just a few days later and we fell in love. A few more days later we took Lorelei for a visit to see if they got along and they played for a little bit but Bella was over it pretty quickly. It wasn't the most promising visit but we decided to have Bella come for a sleepover to really see for sure if they would get along or not. The sleepover started off kind of rough (Bella got VERY territorial over some bones and Lorelei's food) but throughout the night she calmed down and her and Lorelei played very well together. So, after a little coaxing, Bryan and I would like to introduce you to our newest "baby". Please meet Bella Felix!

*********************PLEASE READ*********************
Timmy is still VERY much in need of a wonderful forever home. He is SO incredibly sweet and would be a GREAT addition to anyone's family. He gets along well with most dogs (Our Lorelei was just a little too much for him while he was sick.) He is recovering VERY fast and should be back to good very soon. If you know of anyone that is interested in adopting this precious boy PLEASE let me know!! I can give you more details about him if you like and the rescue group is willing/able to do out of state adoptions. (His brother is moving to New Jersey this weekend!)

A little side note: I tried to tell Bryan that now that we have a Bella we need to get a male dog and name him Edward. I couldn't even get the whole sentence out before he pretty much said there was no way in H**l that was happening. He knows me so well. hahaha

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